What is the Abitur?
In order to apply for an academic study programme in Germany, students must have the university entrance qualification, known as “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” (HZB). HZB largely refers to a German “Abitur” and any associated certificates. With the Abitur, students have a wide range of options - pursuing a degree programme, a dual degree programme or vocational training.
What is the "Abitur"?
“The Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife” or simply “Abitur” is an education certificate that graduates in Germany receive after completing 12-13 years of academic study and successfully passing the final school-leaving exam “Abiturprüfung”.
Short History
The Abitur comes from the “Abiturreglement”, a 1788 law enacted by the Prussian government under Minister Karl Abraham von Zedlids. Its purpose was "den Eltern und Vormündern der Jünglinge dienen zu einer Benachrichtigung von dem Bildungszustande derselben, wodurch von Seiten der Schule der letzte Rath in Ansehung ihrer ertheilt und der Uebereilung beim Uebergange zur Universität vorgebeugt wird" or "to inform the parents and guardians of the youngsters of their educational status, whereby the school gives the final advice with regard to them, thus avoiding any haste in the transition to the university". Similar to the funding forecast for the transition to secondary school today, the "Abitur" was also intended as an aid at the time.
Structure of the "Abitur"
Subjects are chosen from three subject areas, all of which must be represented and studied throughout a student’s academic career up to, and including, the "Abitur" examination itself.
- Language, literature and the arts
- Social sciences
- Mathematics, natural sciences and technology
At least two subjects are taken as main intensive courses (Leistungskurse), one of which must be German or a foreign language or mathematics or natural science. The other subjects are taken as basic courses (Grundkurse).
Examination Requirements
Schools receive mandatory examination specifications based on the framework curricula for the qualification phase. The specifications serve as the foundation for teachers to prepare their students to take the Abitur. This allows students to already learn what to expect in the exams for the courses they have taken.
Fifth Exam Component in Berlin
In addition to passing exams in the areas mentioned above, the capacity to work independently and interdisciplinary on a topic in a special learning achievement or a presentation exam is a requirement for passing the "Abitur". Special learning achievements can be seminar-related work but also competitive achievements. Students with the same interest can collaborate on a topic. The student can decide whether to present the results orally or work them out in writing, depending on their individual strength.
With the "Abitur", students can apply for academic studies in Germany or anywhere else in the world. It is internationally accepted for its equivalence with almost all foreign school-leaving diplomas.
German International Abitur Diploma (DIAP)
At schools outside of Germany there is a special form of the "Abitur", known as the German International Abitur Diploma or Deutsche Internationale Abiturprüfung (DIAP). After passing the final exam at a German school abroad, the student receives the DIAP. It was established in 2009 and is equal to the traditional German "Abitur".
We hope this article has helped you understand what the Abitur is. If you want to find out more about Mentora Gymnasium, you can make an appointment and visit our school or take part in one of the regular open days we host.