A warm welcome to Mentora Gymnasium, where we focus on STEAM subjects, global perspectives and interdisciplinary project work. The recommendation for a “Gymnasium” is essential for admission to grades 7 to 10. External students who would like to transition to the 11th grade must have the recommendation for admission to the upper secondary school (gymnasiale Oberstufe) and proof of having taken a second foreign language.
At the Mentora High School, a strong willingness to perform and a deep interest in mathematics, the natural sciences and the arts are of great importance. The enthusiasm for puzzles, experiments, research, and exploring new knowledge is particularly valued here. Our environment offers the ideal basis for everyone who enjoys acquiring knowledge and comprehensive general education. Our pedagogical concept places great value on exploratory learning and enjoys taking on intellectual challenges.
Frequently asked questions about admission
Most parents want their child to go to a specific secondary school. In some cases, however, the application can get rejected. Depending on the reason, different strategies can be useful. Parents have many options to deal with the decision of the authority, from objections and lawsuits to expanding the search. We have described these in more detail in the article below.
We see the potential of the child, the desired diploma, the school's learning concept, profile and size and of course the question of whether it is a full-day or half-day school as important criteria. Evaluate these points with the help of the article below.
Unlike in most federal states, primary school in Berlin does not end after grade 4, but usually after grade 6. In Berlin, there is also the possibility of completing the fifth grade as a trial year at a "Gymnasium". You can read about what this means for you and your child in the following article.
In addition to the TU and UDK, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is also home to twenty-three primary schools, seven "Gymnasien" and eight integrated secondary schools. There are three "Gymnasien" in Wilmersdorf, while in Charlottenburg you can find the Mentora Gymnasium, the Gottfried-Keller-, the Schiller- and the Sophie-Charlotte-Gymnasium. Take a look at the overview of "Gymnasien" in Charlottenburg alone by clicking the link below.
Each state in Germany determines its own education laws. By law, all children who live in Germany are required to attend school for at least nine years. In Berlin, there are no catchment schools meaning that you can choose your desired school regardless of where you live. Learn more by reading our article below.
Individual states in Germany have different types of secondary schools. In Berlin, there are the "Gymnasium" and Integrated Secondary School (ISS). Learn more about reading our article below.
Attending a "Gymnasium" has many benefits and under certain circumstances can be the right choice for your child. However, as parents, you need to be clear about your child’s strengths and weaknesses. That is why we have prepared a questionnaire to help you with this decision. Find out more by clicking the link below.
Starting secondary school brings a change to your child’s everyday life. It is completely normal for them to have mixed feelings and worries. Click the link below for a guide on how to prepare your child for starting secondary school.
As with most things in parenting, it is important to remember that every child moves at their own pace. Still, there are ways to find out how things are going when you are not around. Click the link below to find out more.
Private schools are funded through a mixture of government subsidies and fundraising. The current subsidies from the State of Berlin cover around 60% of the costs of a school. For more information about the tuition fee coverage at the Mentora Gymnasium, click the link below.
Before deciding where to send their children to continue their education, parents will usually attend an open day to learn more about their options. If you do not know where to begin when it comes to open days, we have got some ideas on what to ask while you are there.
After they complete grade 10 children move from lower into upper secondary school, which marks the beginning of a new phase in their lives that leads up to the Abitur examination. Learn more about the different phases your child will go through in an upper secondary school in Berlin.
The qualification phase is made up of the final two upper secondary level years. Most of the grades collected in these two years are included in the final Abitur grade. That is why students need to think very carefully about which subjects they choose as examination subjects.
Choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision, and understanding the curriculum can make this choice easier. Click the link below to get an overview of the curriculum at Berlin's secondary schools.